Sunday, September 12, 2010


              I think this Houston Chronicle article definitely helps me to understand framing: Basically framing is something the media does to spin a story so that people interpret it the way they want them to. They do it with every article they publish, putting someone in the "bad guy" role, or putting someone in the "good guy" who needs to be sympathized with role. In political articles they spin it favorably for one specific politician or one of the parties. Newspaper articles might reflect the views of the writer or the publisher/editor respectively while on television the story usually reflects the views of the person who owns whatever company is doing the reporting.
              The article I provided is a prime example of framing. They're putting Boehner in the good guy role who works for the sake of all and doesn't do just what his party supports. They also spun it in a way that makes it sound like the president and the democratic congressmen are the bad guys, trying to take away some tax relief from the wealthier Americans. They even say this: "Obama himself has been leading the charge against Boehner, traveling last week to the Republican minority leader's home state to accuse him of offering little but stale ideas that led to the economic meltdown," which is a very good way of putting Obama in the bad guy role, and trying to get sympathy for Boehner.

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