Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do I Sound Like I'm on Old Time Radio?

          I think that technological change had the most influence, partly because I'm a huge geek and would like to think that about everything, and partially because technology changes everything. Technology, in general, shapes everything we do. We use it every day, from when we get on a bus, use our phone, use our computer, or turn on the television. With the arrival of new technology comes the arrival of something new and exciting. Even if there is no way for someone to obtain whatever it is, just the fact that it's there is exhilarating. 
          Once the technology became readily available, the newfound industry grew by leaps and bounds. It wasn't just a way for the government to communicate across long distances anymore. It brought music, entertainment, and news directly to the people. It brought people together, but it also opened up a world of possibilities in the economy. Radio operators, technicians, actors, and anchors were all needed, not to mention the fact that it was now significantly easier to hear music and bands had an easier time gaining popularity. Basically, technology is a major influence in how the world changes.

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