Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blog Evaluation

          I had never used a blog before this RTF class, though I had read them. The positive aspects were definitely that it provided an easy way to have more grades than just test grades. I didn't actually encounter any difficulties in using the blogs except remembering to do them. The prompts where we got to talk about something other than the movies from the course or talk about something we had already seen or experienced. In one of mine, i talked about Fight Club, which is one of my favorite movies, so that definitely provided and extra incentive to do it and do it well. I would say that you should give us a little more freedom in that regard. I would definitely recommend using blogs in this course and others because like i said, when a professor only has tests, it really makes you sort of hate the class and then you spend your time worrying and freaking out because tests are generally hard.. Writing blogs gives you an interesting way to get more grades and be less reliant on the tests. I would suggest you have more prompts that let you draw from your own tastes and experiences.

Yes, you can use my blog in a paper or report.

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